What Should I Incorporate in My Updated Resume?

An updated resume has the most relevant and up-to-date information for your job search process. It includes current position, job titles, descriptions, and relevant education.

If your resume was written in the last year or so, it should include keywords that can be found by applicant tracking software and human readers. If your resume is older, updating it might take some work but would be well worth it.

To start, you could use a resume template for construct. You still want to tailor and customize it to your data. Review the information to make sure everything aligns with your current objectives. Your updated resume should be written for the job you want, not the job you have.

Why Should I Update My Resume?

A big reason is the market and job search process is different today from even five months ago. Update your resume to ensure it works with artificial intelligence and resume review practices being used now, as well as with a human reader. Only including information a human reader can absorb won’t do anymore.

What Should My 2020 Resume Look Like?

The resume construct hasn’t changed much in years. Potential employers still want to see professional history, work experience, education, and current/past employers. In 2020, it should also include bullet points that are accomplishment focused to differentiate you from others in the marketplace. It should have descriptions of your accomplishments, not simply job descriptions. Maximize the real estate of the document. Make sure each word resonates with the jobs you’re looking for and what your next step might be.

Applicant Tracking Systems Software

Applicant Tracking Systems software, or ATS, is a search engine optimization that reviews resumes and cover letters. You provide a resume and cover letter to a company and they put them through an ATS to scan for qualified matches. A qualification might come up in years of experience or education. They’re looking to match keywords and your resume is scored against whatever the potential employer put into their system that constitutes a highly qualified candidate.

Depending on your score, your resume may then go to a hiring manager who reads your resume. If your score isn’t high enough, it may not get beyond the initial stage. The ATS’s role is often the first hurdle. If you’re applying through traditional means or through a referral, sometimes that can be bypassed, but you often don’t know if a company is using ATS.

Objective Statements

An objective statement in an updated resume can be valuable if you’re moving away from your professional history into another role or if your professional experiences don’t align with what you’re seeking. It can be aspirational or targeted, so a human reader can read your objective statement quickly, and ATS can pick up those keywords and intention. The employer might not be looking for that, but it can be helpful, so you might want to include it.

Incorporating Professional History And Experience In Your Resume

If you have over 10 years or more of work experience, your updated resume might be two pages long. For ATS scanning, that’s okay. It’s going to pick up your keywords, strengths, and qualifications, regardless of where it is on those pages. However, if you have over 15 years of work experience, dropping off your oldest work experience is typical and expected. If it’s not relevant, you can drop it off.

If it is relevant, say you’ve had a similar career throughout your path, summarize that with your most recent experience. This normally is where you have had a greater level of responsibility and potentially more management experience. Then just state your older experiences. One line could mention “Additional Career Experience” but not with the same level of detail. This is where the unconscious bias around ageism can come into play for folks with over 15 years of work experience. That work history is summarized without dates of service; just include the content for keyword searchability.